Richardson Bay Regional Agency "Anchorage Program"
On May 19, 2015, Richardson Bay Regional Agency (RBRA) clerk Ben Berto presented the RBRA's Anchorage Program to the Sausalito City Council. The lack of effective management for Richardson Bay was highlighted by information provided by Mr. Berto including the count of over 205 vessels in Richardson Bay as of April 2014 (undoubtedly higher now) over the 98 vessels in 2008, despite $495,000 spent on vessel salvage in the last three years. The number of people living on the anchorage is the highest in recent years and is growing. Mr. Berto explained the Agency conducted a community workshop in Sausalito on March 14, 2015, with the following key consensus points:
-The current anchorage situation is adverse, getting worse, and is damaging the environment, human health and safety, and navigation
-The RBRA needs to more effectively manage the anchorage, consistent with laws and its responsibilities
-Community social elements are an important factor in any anchorage program going forward
-Developing a mooring field is a logical means of achieving effective anchorage management.
The cost of developing a mooring field over the next three years is estimated at $650,000, and would be shared by the five jurisdictions that participate in the RBRA. The participant's contributions would increase in FY 15/16 by the following amounts: Marin County (42.5%) $104,000; Sausalito (35%) $87,000, Tiburon (10%) $25,000: Belevedere (7.5%) $19,000; and Mill Valley (5%) $12,000.
Supporting RBRA documents presented to the Sausalito City Council on May 19, 2015, can be found at, under item 6A.
The Sausalito City Council declined to adopt the program until adequate community outreach has occurred in Sausalito. Expect these workshops to be scheduled starting in September 2015.

Image Source: Google Maps